Stainless Steel Flange Marketing for Plus Factor
This website for Plus Factor, a personal pet project, happens to belong to my Dad. Just so you know. It's a small website and isn't nearly as large as other sites in the same category. But it could be, and it should be. But only for the right reasons.
For example, I'd like to add an ecommerce store to sell stock items - we are discussing that idea. The company is well-known for manufacturing specialist flanges in stainless steel - sizes that are not listed as industry standards. (A flange FYI, is the round donut bit with bolt holes that gets welded onto the end of pipes to join them together.)
A Rusty Marketing Segment that could do with a polish
Stainless Steel Flange marketing is not as competitive as marketing jewellery, but the company did need an online presence and good organic Search Engine results. This was fairly easy to achieve, as the competitors sites are out-dated, some aren't even mobile friendly (gasp! - in today's world that's just stupid).
Plus Factor's site is built with WordPress and uses a premium theme that is responsive to mobile devices. And compared to the competition, is much nicer to look at. I do not like to add to a website for the sake of SEO. I've seen too many websites that are clearly too large. Too many pages of endless text stuffed with keywords for an SEO advantage. I think a website should serve a purpose to the user. Like relieving staff of dumb tasks - answering calls with the same queries over and over is redundant if there is a FAQ page to refer customers. Or a Knowledge Center.
I got really excited about some AI (Artificial Intelligence) plugins I played with just recently. Powerful stuff. To help a prospect gain some knowledge before making a phone call makes for a useful website, and a more efficient company. An online store has the capability of keeping tabs on stock levels - that could alert customers and perhaps cut out a few redundant phone calls. Better yet, an automated email alert is sent when a stock item reaches a critical level. This stuff is easy. And it's useful to both the organisation and customers.
Work on the site is ongoing.