Email Marketing South Africa

Lionel du Plessisblog

illustration: Business tablet computer with email marketing - What is email marketing South Africa - and how does it work

What is email marketing and how does it work? Whether it’s Email Marketing South Africa or Email Marketing USA – the methods are all the same universally. Marketers globally are using the same “best practices” to grow their customer base using email as a channel. I have been dreading writing about this topic for a long time now*. Why? There … Read More

Fresh Content for best Marketing Results

Lionel du PlessisBlogging, content marketing

Fresh Content is key to your online marketing strategy

How to get the best Marketing Results with Fresh Content Creating fresh content on your website is (and will be for some time to come) the single most important aspect of online marketing. Forget the shiny new distractions like posting cute cats and puppies on Social. It may be fun, but it’s not really helping. Stop wondering whether all that money … Read More